National Burns Center
About N.B.C.
IBRS was formed in 1985 and is registered as a charitable institute with the Registrar of Charities, Mumbai. Over the years the society has done path – breaking work in the field of Burns National Burns Centre was commissioned on 5th October 2001 with 20 beds capacity. more
Our Services
Knowing the importance of BURNS PREVENTION in our country, Dr. Manohar H. Keswani the founding father of IBRS started the School Education Program on Burns Prevention 42 years back. After the formation of IBRS, the NBC team has continued the program. Since 1972, 4.5 lakh students have been educated through this program.
As part of treatment we have a well-equipped IBCU as burns patients are always susceptible to infection. Also, we have concessional rooms, Regular and Deluxe rooms, X ray, pathology, physiotherapy, psychiatry and all other facilities for the best treatment of each patient. Patients are treated on both IPD as well as OPD basis.
Skin Bank:
NBC has established a successful and replicable model of skin banking and skin donation awareness programs in Mumbai. This is the only state-of-the-art skin bank providing top quality processed cadaveric donor skin for saving the lives of burn patients across the country. Skin donation awareness programs are conducted regularly at colleges, housing societies, clubs, youth groups, senior citizen groups, schools, religious gatherings, etc.
Nurses, Physiotherapists, Doctors and Biotechnology students are given training at NBC throughout the year. About 2000 doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and research and skin bank interns have been trained at NBC till date.
As part of rehabilitation, there is:
1. Operation Restore: Since 2011, NBC has been conducting free post-burn deformity corrective surgery for rehabilitating burn victims post survival. 23 camps thus far have transformed the lives of about 623 patients.
2. Burns Survivors’ Group: Burn Survivors’ Group at NBC is an open group for burns survivors wherein they would discuss their worries and concern and it takes place once a month. If required, individual treatment is also provided to the patient by our psychiatrist & clinical psychologist, post group therapy session.
3. Butterfly Garden at the National Burns Centre was inaugurated on 15th January, 2017. It is part of the “Healing Landscapes” initiative by the National Burns Centre. The garden was set up as a mode of therapy for treating burns patients who often suffer from post burn depression and psychosis. Also, school students are welcome to visit this garden as part of their field visit.
Skin Regeneration Lab was inaugurated on 21th Aug 2009.
Indian Burns Research Society started the Research lab to explore path-breaking research based therapy which can help in saving lives of burn victims. This is the only research lab in the country dedicated for burns research.
The main aim of the Lab is to innovate newer modalities for faster burn wound healing using cell based therapy as well as development of an indigenous tissue engineered skin substitute.
National Burns Center A Report

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